姚贵策,英国利兹大学(University of Leeds)博士、博士后,3522vip浦京集团国际交流合作引进及卓越百人计划博士后研究员,现为中法/国际通用工程学院副教授。邮箱:yaoguice@buaa.edu.cn
主要研究领域为多应用背景下的先进热管理技术,包括多尺度复杂流体流动换热,高超声速高效冷却技术(再生冷却&发汗冷却),智慧能源数字孪生热管理技术等。目前在International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、
International Journal of Thermal Science、Fuel、Physics of Fluids等国际知名期刊上发表文章30余篇,申请国家发明专利/软著12项。
1. Haie Yang, Guice Yao*, Dongsheng Wen*(2021). “Efficient mixing enhancement by orthogonal injection of shear-thinning fluids in a micro serpentine channel at low Reynolds numbers.” Chemical Engineering Science, 235: 116368.
2. Guice Yao, Jin Zhao Xiaobin Shen, Haie Yang, Dongsheng Wen(2020). "Effects of rheological properties on heat transfer enhancements by elastic instability in von-Karman swirling flow." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 152: 119535.
3. Guice Yao, Haie Yang, Jin Zhao, Dongsheng Wen, (2020). "Experimental Study on Flow and Heat Transfer enhancements by elastic instability in swirling flow." International journal of thermal science, 157:106504.
4. Guice Yao, Jin Zhao, Haie Yang, Maje Alhaji Haruna, and Dongsheng Wen, (2019). "Effects of salinity on the onset of elastic turbulence in swirling flow and curvilinear microchannels." Physics of Fluids, 31(12): 123106.
5. Guice Yao, Jin Zhao, Srinivasa Ramisetti, and Dongsheng Wen. (2018). "Molecular dynamic simulation of dilute polyacrylic acid solution: effects of chain size and ionic strength." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57(50) 17129-17141.
1. Hao Sun, Guice Yao*, Jin Zhao, Hui Gao, Dongsheng Wen (2024). Molecular revelation of the effects of methanol additive for coke inhibition during the pyrolysis of endothermic hydrocarbon fuels, Fuel.
2. Chen Zhang, Hui Gao, Jiajun Zhao, Guice Yao, Dongsheng Wen (2023). Working State map of hydrocarbon fuels for regenerative cooling. Propulsion and Power research, 12 (2).
3. Zhiliang Cui, Jin Zhao, Guice Yao*, Jun Zhang, Zhihui Li, ZhiGong Tang, Dongsheng Wen (2022). Competing effects of surface catalysis and ablation in hypersonic reentry aerothermodynamic environment. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 10(35)
4. Guice Yao, Jin Zhao*, Maje Alhaji Haruna and Dongsheng Wen* (2021). “Molecular dynamics insight into viscosity reduction of hydrolysed polyacrylamide by using carbon quantum dots” RSC Advances, 11:26037-26048.
5. Zhiliang Cui, Guice Yao*, Jin Zhao*, Jun Zhang, Dongsheng Wen*(2021). “Atomistic-scale investigation of hyperthermal oxygen-graphene interactions via reactive molecular dynamics simulation: The gas effect.” Physics of Fluids, 33: 052107.
1. Kai Zhang, Lizhan Bai, Guice Yao, Dongsheng Wen (2023). Influence of pore size distribution on pool boiling heat transfer in porous artery structure. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 209: 124116.
2. Kai Zhang, Lizhan Bai, Guice Yao, Dongsheng Wen (2022). A comparative study of pool boiling heat transfer in different porous artery structures. Applied Thermal Engineering, 202: 117759.
3. Xiaolong Ma, Xiaodong Jia, Guice Yao, Dongsheng Wen(2023). Umbrella evaporator for continuous solar vapor generation and salt harvesting from seawater. Cell Reports Physical Science, 3(7): 100940.
4. Xiaolong Ma, Xiaodong Jia, Guice Yao, Dongsheng Wen(2022). Double-Sided Suspending Evaporator with Top Water Supply for Concurrent Solar Evaporation and Salt Harvesting. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 10(38): 12843-12851.
1. 本科生课程《热力学(Thermodynamics)》
2. 本科生课程《传热学(Heat Transfer)》
3. 研究生课程《计算传热学(Numerical Heat Transfer)》
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